Tuesday, July 7, 2009

連先生 の 环保系列 I

Recently, my mother learned how to make Enzyme. She used all the fresh leftovers from the kitchen like, vegetables, and fruit skins, and etc.... But never meat! She mixed the fresh leftovers with water and black sugar. Fermentation process will take place for at least 3 months. A brownish color with Mandarin fruit smell Enzyme is obtained. Why Enzyme? Because....

In agriculture, enzyme is used:

  • to reduce the usage of chemical fertilizers
  • to keep the farm free from insects and infections
  • as a soil fertilizer for vegetable growing
  • keep the air cool and clean in the farm atmosphere
  • to convert sandy land to fertile farm land
  • as a natural pesticide and herbicide
In homes, enzyme is used:
  • to remove foul odours, molds and grime in the kitchen and toilet
  • as an anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent
  • to clean carpets and remove ticks
  • for laundry washing and ironing
  • as a household cleaning liquid
  • to drive away insects
  • for mopping floors
  • for cleaning cars
Try it, then see how is the magic water works!

Beauty Tips:
  1. Add few drops of the enzyme into water to wash your face. Your face will become smoother and whiter.
  2. Add a few cap full of enzyme into the bathtub and soak yourself. Your body will be smoother after a few session.
  3. My mother used the enzyme as hair conditioner. She applies some to her white hair after shower. Few weeks later, she found out that her hair is softer and turned grey.
The portion to use enzyme is 1:100. ie, 1 cc of enzyme to 100cc of water.

Try it and share your experience with us!

最近,我的母亲学会了做酵素。她把厨房的鲜厨余,如:切剩的蔬菜 果皮 等等鲜厨余,混合了黑糖和水,经发酵后产生的棕色液体,有柑橘气味。这种鲜厨余的发酵是很环保的。为什么?因为。。。
  • 省钱 : 化厨余为DIY 环保清洁剂,节省家庭开销。
  • 多用途 : 家居生活好帮手 -- 天然清洁剂、空气净化剂、除虫剂、洗衣剂、护肤品、汽车保养剂、有机肥料等。
  • 减少垃圾污染 :丢弃的厨余释放甲烷 (methane) 废气,比二氧化碳导致地球暖化的程度高21倍。
  • 洁化废气、增加空气含氧量 : 有除臭功能,可消除香烟气味、家居喷剂的毒气等。
  • 防虫剂 : 天然除虫剂 (可减少蚊子、苍蝇、老鼠、蟑螂等)。
  • 减少细菌 : 能分解和消灭有害微生物和霉菌。



  1. 在装满水的洗脸盆内加半小瓶盖的酵素。用来洗脸,可以让皮肤比较亮白。
  2. 在浴缸里泡浴时,加几小瓶盖的酵素。可以使皮肤更滑嫩。
  3. 妈妈说她的头发比较松软和黑了。冲了凉后,她涂些酵素在她的白发上,当它是护发素。
用酵素的比例是 “适量”。 通常是 1 : 100 的比例。



  1. Hallo, I read alot about the enzyme, but hor, tot of it using myself feels like strange, its like garbage liquid wor...how the smell ar??... :P

    Jacky Chin ar...

  2. Not garbage liquid la.. it's made by fresh garbage.
    it smells not bad. a bit sour.
    i use it to wash my face, but need to dilute with water. very very dilute.

  3. 酵素??我用左啦!几好用嫁!!真系会变滑嫁。。不妨试试。。。
